Enumeration nearing completion, once completed, sychronisation to start

The country's Census is progressing slowly because most provinces started the enumeration process late.
This morning, Census Director Hajily Kele and National Statistician John Igitoi appeared on the NBC Talkback Show to explain what kind of data citizens can expect before the enumeration exercise ends.
Mr. Igitoi said, “We cannot say what number we expect to enumerate across the country, but from the 2000 Census you can see that there is a growth rate".
The statistical process, particularly the enumeration, verification, and synchronization processes, need to be completed before an accurate population count is provided to the government.
Most provinces have finished the enumeration process, while some are still carrying it out.
According to Mr. Igitoi, the provinces are close to completion but still need to synchronize and bring the materials to the designated headquarters to ensure synchronization in areas with good digital coverage.
“We are attempting to do that. Many provinces are now doing the synchronization. I was going to say that's an important part that maybe not I, but a lot of us would need a little bit of clarification.
“But synchronization seems, what we understand about it, is bringing everything together, so that it's in alignment, if you might want to use that,” Mr Igitoi said.
Meanwhile, many people have also raised concerns that they have not been counted.
Especially in the National Capital District, Mr. Igitoi said the enumeration part has been completed and now into synchronization [put data together] but there are people in residential areas especially Gerehu, 3mile and, others who have raised concerns on failed enumeration.
This also raises a big question on whether people residing in the settlements and in the remotest parts of the country have missed out in this important national event.
“We've got a toll-free number, and they can call us on the toll-free number. It's 180-1676.
“It doesn't mean that those that have not been enumerated are now left out. They need to call this number or inform the National Census Call Office so that we can be able to send our officers.
“But, in the meantime, as soon as the enumeration is completed, we'll do the verification to see which households have not been enumerated.
“That will be done immediately after we've done the actual enumeration,” Mr Igitoi said.