ABG president arrives in Northern Province for weeklong consultation for formulation of new Bougainville constitution

Tuesday, 14 May 2024, 4:43 pm

ABG President Ishmael Toroama welcomed by Northern Governor Gary Juffa in Popondetta today (NBC News: Muriel Tovivi)

The President of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville Government, Ishmael Toroama, has arrived in the Northern Province with his delegation to hold a week-long consultation meeting with the Bougainville community.

The aim of the meeting is to gather valuable perspectives and aspirations of the citizens towards formulating a new Bougainville constitution.

Upon his arrival, President Toroama received a red-carpet welcome at Girua Airport from Northern Governor Gary Juffa and his provincial executive members.

This consultation process comes after last week's JSB meeting that was held in Port Moresby.

Before the 2019 referendum election, the Bougainville Bi-Partisan committee and PNG NRI Bougainville Reference Project conducted a nationwide consultation and awareness to inform and educate all Bougainvilleans about their preferred choices of either voting for Autonomy or Independence.

Similarly, this consultation process on gauging views and contributions from the Bougainville community residing in all the 21 Provinces on the drafting of a new Bougainville constitution is mandatory.

The consultation is one of the activities agreed upon by both ABG and GoPNG.

The week-long consultation is set to end on Friday, May 17.