Stop & Shop Supermarkets rising from the ashes

Wednesday, 28 February 2024, 9:48 pm

City Pharmacy Limited set to reopen Stop & Shop supermarket in Badili, Port Moresby (Picture Source: CPL PR)

One of the most affected businesses will reopen one of its four supermarkets which were looted and set on fire on black Wednesday in the nation’s capital.

City Pharmacy Limited [CPL] which owns the chain of Stop & Shop Supermarkets will reopen its shop in Badili, on Friday.  

“We are pleased with the progress made so far with the shop from all parties involved, and have made changes that will deliver an improved experience for customers in the Badili area, including a better range of products and an improved store layout.”, said Navin Raju, CPL Group Chief Executive Officer.

“Our Badili Staff have been busy restocking the shelves and preparing the store for reopening, and are no doubt excited to welcome back our customers to Badili.”

Stop & Shop Badili will reopen alongside CPL Group brands, City Pharmacy, Fresh Express, Bon Café and City Pharmacy Wellness Clinic, all housed in the same building.

Mr Raju said that Harbour City will not reopen, but they are looking forward to their future prospects of two new Stop & Shop Supermarkets in Port Moresby soon.

He further said CPL have not lay off a single staff after the devastation of January 10th.

“We can also confirm that no staff have lost their jobs, and instead have been reallocated to our existing shops, while we await response from the Government on the Business Recovery Package", Mr Raju said.