
PNGRFL concludes football conference

The 2024 Digicel ExxonMobil Cup Football Conference successfully ended on Monday in Port Moresby with an intense two days of NRL education and assessment delivered by Matt Harrison of AFS Group.

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Late Jimmy Uguros casket arrives in Port Moresby this afternoon

The body of the late Usino-Bundi MP Jimmy Uguro arrived at the Jacksons International terminal in Port Moresby at 3pm this afternoon.

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SP Hunters front-rower Kapinias to undergo surgery

SP PNG Hunters towering front-rower Epel Kapinias underwent surgery today in Brisbane, Australia to determine the extent of his injury.

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Government to review Minimum wage in March this year

The Minimum Wage review will be one of the priorities for the government this year, headlined by Minister for Labour and Employment Kessy Sawang.

Ms Sawang in a recent media statement said the government is aware of the concerns raised by workers around the country to increase the current rate at K3.50 per hour and would be addressed accordingly.

The current minimum wage was last set in 2014 and minister Sawang confirmed that a review will be undertaken this year.

She said the National Tripartite Consultative Council (NTCC) which was formed in 2023 comprised of government arms including employers and employee representatives have been tasked to carry out the review.

The council chaired by the Minister for Labour & Employment with four other State Ministers and heads of institutions from both the employers and employees will convene for a meeting next month with Ms Sawang highlighting Minimum Wage review an important agenda of discussion.

“In November last year, I appointed the members of the Tripartite Council who are representatives of the employers and the employees, and it’s been gazetted and by law we had to give six weeks’ notice in advance which I am happy to inform the country that as of last week Friday, we have given the notice to all the social partners, tripartite members, the Ministers including the representatives from the employers and the employees which means that on the 15th of March, 2024 will be the NTCC meeting,” Ms Sawang said.

The Rai Coast MP also outlined that a working committee made up of the department's social partners including key government agencies are currently working on the Terms of Reference (TOR).

Ms Sawang said the TOR was progressing well and will be used as an instrument to enable the wage review.

“There must be a Terms of Reference for the review to happen, so I am happy to inform the country that they have already progressed well in advance with the TOR. By 15th of March, I should inform the country on what the council decides on the TOR,” she said.

The Minister said the Tripartite Council members who have been appointed are representatives of the Employers Federation of PNG, Manufacturers Council, Rural Industries Council, Port Moresby Chamber of Commerce & Industry and PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum.

As for the employees’ representatives in the council are PNG Trade Union Congress, Police Association, Banks and Financial Sectors Workers Union, PNG Nurses Association, PNG Teachers Association and Commercial Workers Association.

Ms Sawang said she looks forward to conducting the review, which is one of her Key Performance Indicator (KPI) as a state minister.

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Body of Late Jimmy Uguro, Minister for Education to arrive in Port Moresby later today

The body of the late Education Minister Jimmy Uguro is expected to arrive in Port Moresby around 3pm this afternoon.

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Deputy Prime Minister John Rosso confirms resignation of the Chief Migration Officer

Chief Migration Officer Stanis Hulahau tendered his resignation before the PNG Immigration and Citizenship Services Authority [PNGICSA] Advisory Board discussed his employment future.

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Motion to change the government will be put forward says former PM Peter O’Neil

The Opposition has made known its intention to move a vote no-confidence motion against the ruling Pangu Party Government when Parliament will reconvene this month, as the 18 months’ grace period lapses.      

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No illegal dealing in Lae Port operator contract: Report

An investigation into awarding of an operator contract to an international company for the Lae Port in Morobe Province has cleared PNG Ports Corporation of any corrupt dealings.       

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PNG assessing China’s offer for a security pact says country’s top diplomat

The Peoples Republic of China has put on table a bilateral security proposal to the PNG Government  

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School principals charging unapproved additional fees to be suspended, warns Education Secretary

All schools in the public education system are warned not to charge additional fees on their students in the 2024 academic year.

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