PNG Solomon Islands ICT cooperation

Papua New Guinea will be assisting Solomon Islands in its Information and communication technology sector. This was among important agendas discussed during a recent meeting between the ICT ministers of the two countries in Honiara.
The ICT sectors of the two countries are expected to enter into a cooperation agreement through a Memorandum of Understanding in the near future following this meeting.
PNG ICT minister Timothy Masiu and his Solomon's counterpart Frederick Kologeta discussed potential areas where PNG and Solomon Island can work together to deliver connectivity, digital transformation and broadcasting to its people.
The Ministers agreed to develop an MoU that will clearly define the scope and specific areas of cooperation between the two countries.
The areas to be considered within the scope of the MoU includes, sharing of information and experiences on policy and regulatory matters, managing communication along the border areas, exploring potential partnership in submarine cable deployment, building and managing data centers, cooperate in cyber security activities among others.
The Solomon Islands Minister for Communication & Aviation Frederick Kologeta expressed his gratitude to PNG for taking the lead to assist its Pacific neighbors in the ICT space.
Minister Masiu shared similar sentiments of satisfaction on the outcome of their discussions and said he looks forward to finalizing the agreements on ICT and digital transformation between the two countries.
Meanwhile during the meeting, Minister Masiu who is also the Chairman of the Pacific ICT Ministers Dialogue also updated his counterpart minister on the progress of the action plans and strategies highlighted under the Lagatoi declaration 2023, which was endorsed by Pacific ICT ministers in Port Moresby last year.