PNG into discussions with Vanuatu on ICT Cooperation

Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu have entered into a cooperation agreement to assist each other in the Information and communication technology space.
PNG's ICT Minister Timothy Masiu and Vanuatu Prime Minister Charlot Salwi Tabimasmas [Salo Sal-wai Tabi-masmas] who is also the ICT Minister held discussions yesterday [Wednesday] in Port Vila and talked about how the two Melanesian countries can work with other in this sector.
The meeting between the leaders lasted an hour with important announcements made including the talks for a proposed Memorandum of understanding [MoU] between the ICT Sectors of the two countries.
Prime Minister Tabimasmas recognized the importance of such partnerships in the ICT space, especially with neighboring Pacific nations.
"ICT and IT is the world of tomorrow and is very important in shaping the policies, especially for a region like the Pacific where Islands are scattered all over, you can use ICT to connect each other to drive policies", said Tabimasmas.
Prime Minister Tabimasmas intends to visit various major ICT infrastructures and projects in PNG during his travel next month.
"I'm travelling to PNG on September 6th for the Pope's Visit to PNG. This will be an opportunity for me and my officers to visit PNG's various ICT infrastructures as PNG is advanced in that ICT space." said Tabimasmas.
Minister Masiu satisfied with the outcome of the meeting has instructed his technical officers within the ICT ministry to start work on the proposed MOU between the ICT sectors of PNG and Vanuatu.
"The meeting was very fruitful, there was a lot of issues in the ICT space that were discussed, including the opportunity to sign an MOU between the two ICT ministries of PNG and Vanuatu for cooperation" said Minister Masiu.
"I have instructed technical officials to start drafting the MOU to formally begin cooperation with each other" he said.
Mr Masiu who is also the chairman of the Pacific ICT Ministers Dialogue also updated Prime Minister Tabimasmas on the progress of the action plans and strategies highlighted under the Lagatoi Declaration 2023.
This bilateral meeting in Vanuatu is the second stop for Minister Masiu while on his PACIFIC Tour.
Minister Masiu will be visiting New Caledonia and Tonga next week to update their ICT ministers on the progress of the action plans highlighted under the Lagatoi declaration.